1.3.8 - Account Additions & General Improvements
Addition Added 'my account' page.
Addition (Account page) Added section to view & logout of all logged in devices.
Addition (Account page) Added section to change password.
Security Changed login token to expire after a week of no use, instead of a month.
Security Added forgot password option on login to reset password using email verification.
Addition Added profanity filter for usernames on account signup.
Addition Added character limit for username on account signup (32 chars).
Addition Added character restriction for username on account signup (letters, numbers, and a few special chars).
Improvement Standardised login/signup errors to use HTTP response codes for error codes.
Improvement Login/signup pages now only return 1 error at a time.
Improvement Signup page will now retain the username and email values when an error occurs.
Removal Removed abandoned page.
Improvement Redesigned login and signup pages.
Improvement Changed password mismatch error on signup page from being just "invalid".
Addition Added validation check for username requirements before submitting signup form.
Improvement Username inputs on login and signup pages will now autofocus on load.
Bugfix Fixed new usernames from being able to contain multiple whitespaces inbetween words.
Bugfix Fixed slight overlap with affected routes in alert on stops page.
Improvement Changed stops page to be more friendly on mobile.
Improvement Alerts on stop page now show the most recent by date of affect.
Bugfix Fixed issue with overlapping text on each arrival on stop page.
Improvement Combined train and tram stops show both directions for one stop.
Bugfix Favourite button on vehicle and stop pages now work when page is loading.
Improvement When searching for a stop yields 0 results, it will now show a message instead of redirecting back to search.
Addition Added new 'interchange' page to view arrivals from all zones at an interchange - access from individual zone stop pages.
Improvement Pressing the enter key in the stop search box will now trigger the search.
Improvement Improved appearance of stops in stop search and made more mobile friendly.
Improvement Trip destinations with long unnecessary detail (eg. - "continues as ...") will be trimmed in a few places.
Bugfix Fixed incorrect date being shown for live vehicles on social media view.
Security Fixed flaw with favourite stops that technically allowed for the name and description of a stop to be set to anything.
Addition Favourite stops and vehicles can now be unfavourited from the home page.
Bugfix Fixed login/signup buttons on home page from misaligning on smaller screens (to a certain size).
Improvement Added horizontal scrollbar to previous vehicles on route page.
Addition Added date filter to routes page to show trips on a specific date.
Bugfix Fixed issue on route page where some routes would not show up.
Bugfix Live vehicles on route page will now show the correct route colour instead of black.
1.3.7 - Signup Hotfix
Bugfix An issue preventing account signup has now been fixed.
1.3.6 - Small Fix
Bugfix Fixed issues following the previous update with loading times.
1.3.5 - Redesigns, Bugfixes and Faster Loading
Removal Removed 'predicted vehicle' from trip that has already been performed.
Bugfix Fixed vehicle realtime page showing incorrect punctuality when viewing past 12am (ie. showing 57 mins early, when it should be 3 mins late).
Addition Added automatic notices to show for a few days after a new update.
Addition Added note on home page if you have no favourite vehicles and stops.
Improvement Vehicle and stop sections with no favourites will be removed if the other is not empty.
Addition Added note that displays how many other users have also favourited the vehicle on it's info page.
Improvement Minor changes to text in a few places.
Bugfix Fixed trips in block showing in wrong order - especially for after midnight services.
Bugfix Fixed issue where more than one vehicle could be recorded in the previous vehicles for a trip.
Bugfix Added missing text to vehicle previous trips to view trip button (used to be just "()").
Bugfix Fixed trips page from showing encoded character values instead of the characters itself (ie. & instead of &).
Improvement Improved relative last seen text on home page - "0 weeks ago" or similar should not show anymore.
Improvement Favourite vehicles will now load faster, and with the "last seen ... ago" text!
Bugfix Favourite button on stops page no longer needs to be clicked twice before registering.
Removal Removed error page for when a vehicle is not in service or in the database in favour of a generic 404 page (may come back in the future).
Addition Routes page will now only show hours in the table where there is a trip (removes empty columns).
Improvement Overall improved loading time for most areas of the website.
Improvement Stopped map from resetting position each time it updates on realtime vehicle page.
Removal Removed last stop indicator because it is no longer needed since all stops are now shown.
Improvement Blurred loading effect will now show when selecting a trip from the trip block.
Improvement Significantly reduced loading time for trip info page.
Bugfix Fixed site sending 'undefined' error when trying to load an invalid stop - sends 404 instead.
Bugfix Fixed potential response hang when loading a stop info page while logged in.
Improvement Trip block and previous vehicle sections will now be hidden if there is no data.
Improvement Redesigned list of stops on trip & realtime vehicle page.
Bugfix Fixed some trips in trip blocks from appearing when they are not supposed to.
Addition All stops are now shown for a trip, with text to indicate whether it is realtime (early, on time, late) or scheduled.
Improvement Improved appearance of trips in block on trip information page.
1.3.4 - Minor Changes & Bugfixes
Improvement When a vehicle finishes a route while on the realtime page, it will refresh to show the last seen information.
Improvement Added an indicator on the realtime vehicle page for the last stop of the route.
Bugfix Fixed stops in list duplicating when a realtime vehicle is updated.
Improvement Replaced previous Scania K320UB Bustech with a new image.
Addition Added image for Scania K320UB Bustech Hybrid.
Addition Added image for MAN NL232.
1.3.3 - General Quality Improvements
Addition Added 'remember me' to login - you can now stay logged in for up to a month!
Addition New vehicle counter on live vehicles list - updates with filters!
Addition Added new error display box to vehicles list.
Improvement Improved the general loading of the live vehicles list.
Bugfix Fixed some favourited vehicles not showing last location if another vehicle has an unknown last location.
Improvement Improved titles for all/most pages.
Addition Added opengraph meta information to most pages.
Improvement Changed title of 'all vehicles' page.
Addition Added hint text to login and signup pages to navigate between the two.
Security Removed public access from a page that was unintentionally left unrestricted.
1.3.2 - Minor Changes & Improvements
Improvement Replaced the old navigation bar with the new one on the contribute pages including the application.
Addition Vehicle operators are now automatically set - trams and trains now include operator!
Bugfix Fixed duplicate service alerts on the alerts page.
Bugfix Fixed route not changing on map vehicle popup when selecting a previous trip.
Addition Added support/recognition for new Port Dock train line.
Addition Added missing cross/close icon to mobile navigation bar when open.
Bugfix Fix vehicle info page trying to fetch expired trip data for route - uses route info instead.
Addition Added missing information for last seen vehicles in social media view (when viewing with no live vehicles).
Addition Added missing information in popup to vehicle markers on maps in regular social media view.
1.3.1 - Database Reliability
Improvement Improved database connections and usage in the backend - hopefully making it more reliable.
1.3.0 - Major Overhaul
Removal Early versions of the website have been mostly phased out.
Improvement Moved the navigation bar to the top of the screen, and improved styling.
Improvement Improved general inner workings & structure to make updating the website more easy and efficient!
Improvement Moved the login buttons to be apart of the normal navigation bar.
Addition Added more pages to the navigation bar to improve page navigation and to make it friendlier to users.
Addition Given service alerts page a spot on the navigation bar.
Bugfix Fixed incorrect loading animation used on trips pages.
Security Removed sensitive account details (email) being sent to the user when not needed.
Improvement Implemented better relative date displays for vehicle arrivals
Addition Added 'first seen' info to vehicles that are automatically added to the database. This will also include a 'new' tag on the list.
Addition Finally added a search bar to the database vehicles page.
Addition Added messages on vehicle information page if there is no image for the vehicle.
Addition Added page for further information on vehicle images and their creation.
Bugfix Fixed vehicle image on vehicle information page from assuming the vehicle is a bus.
Addition Added updates page to view update notes.
Addition New 'social media view' vehicles page.
Removal Removed publicly accessible debug page.
Improvement Reduced time it takes to load the path for a route.
Bugfix Fixed issue when loading routes without a description.
Bugfix Trying to access the login pages while signed in will redirect you back home.
Improvement Added mobile support for navigation bar - uses dropdown menu for smaller screens.
Improvement Updated error pages - added navbar, and a short description to make it look less bare.
Improvement Improved style of favourite stops/vehicles.
Addition Added favourite stop/vehicle template to home page to prompt the user to login to save.
Bugfix Fixed live vehicle popup on trip info page showing 'undefined'.
1.2.6 - Tiny Styling Adjustment
Improvement Improved the loading animations in a few spots.
1.2.5 - Routes Page v2
Improvement Updated routes page to align it with the feel of the website.
Addition Added new tracker on routes page to see previous vehicles for a route
1.2.0 - Vehicles Map Update
Addition Added stops to map in trip info
Bugfix Fixed v1 redirect button on routes page not redirecting to the same route but with v1
Addition Added text to live vehicle popup on trip page (Instead of just saying popup)
Bugfix Fixed vehicle icons showing multiple times on map
Addition Added table of vehicle count to vehicles map
Addition Added box to show selected vehicle on vehicles map
Improvement Restyled vehicles navigation page buttons
Addition Added page to view vehicles in database
Improvement Simplified navigation bar
Addition Added contributor applications - more to come soon